Basic Information

New Cohort Starting Now.

We offer a $50 gift card for people that are invited to preview our program.

They also get a wonderful breakfast and lunch – all free to assess if you are ready and committed to start your new life. Do you know or work with anyone that is ready, willing and able to start the path toward a full time career oriented employment?

Our mission is to help people on their path toward self-sufficiency with a culinary program that provides job training and mental health supports, leading to sustained employment. The HWH model is partner based and encompasses housing from partners, mental health services, workforce training and employment. This supportive structure and services helps people stabilize, develop a support network, become trained, gain experience, get a job, secure independent housing and ultimately become self-sufficient.

Culinary Application

You will need to sign in with Google to complete this application.

We will contact you after we receive it.